100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets

100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets


Today in this article we are going to share 100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets  with you, in which you can edit your photo in dark color as you must have seen. Many people post on Instagram in which their background is very dark, so if you want that your photo also has a dark color, then you have this kind of idea. Which color you will apply in your photo. For this, first of all what you do is that you import the presets that I will provide you. After that you complete your editing because after that you can do your editing and as soon as your editing is done. Then you will not have any problem.


100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets

In this you will get a lot of dark colors which if you apply on your photo. It will be set on your photo. Today I will see if there is a color on your photo, then what is that color that does not work properly on your photo. You have to correct these things. Like you will see that if you do not fit the color correctly on the photo, then what happens is that your photo starts looking a little bad. In this article I will tell you how many options I give you. You can use any of them in your editing and complete your video. To complete this type of editing, whatever I am telling you, you should follow it so that the editing is complete.


Absolutely! Lightroom presets can be a great time-saver and creative tool for photographers. Here’s a breakdown to help you find the perfect ones:

 Free Presets:

  • Style: Free presets come in a wide range of styles, from “light and airy” to “dark and moody.” Choose presets that match the aesthetic you’re going for in your photos.
  • Quality: Not all free presets are created equal. Look for presets from reputable sources and read reviews if available.
  • Versatility: Some presets work well on a variety of photos, while others are more specific. Consider how you plan to use the presets.

Paid Lightroom Presets:

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  • Professional Look: Paid presets are often designed by professional photographers and can give your photos a polished, high-end look.
  • Customization: Some paid presets are more customizable than free ones, allowing you to fine-tune the look to your liking.
  • Support: Many paid preset creators offer support if you have any questions or problems.

100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets

Tips for Using Lightroom Presets:

  • Don’t rely solely on presets: Presets are a starting point, not a magic bullet. You’ll still need to make adjustments to your photos for the best results.
  • Experiment with different presets: Try out different presets to see which ones work best for your photos.
  • Learn how presets work: Understanding how presets affect exposure, white balance, and other settings will help you use them more effectively.


How To Use 100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets 

What do you have to do first to apply this on your photo? You have to learn how to reset it. How can you do it? How can you import it? So what do you do first? After going to the Lightroom application, what do you do? You will see a 3 dot option on the preset option. Click on it and then click on import preset. After clicking on it, select the files that you get. After that, they will start getting imported. In that, you have to check which effects are looking right on your photo. Whatever looks right, you have to apply it. After that, see the colors that should not be on your photo. All those colors will come on your photo and your editing will also be done correctly.

How To Download 100+ Moody Dark Lightroom Presets 

You will get a button to download. Click on it. After that you will go directly to the download page. You have to click there and download it and in this way you can complete good editing. You will not face any problem.




I hope this helps you find the perfect Lightroom presets for your photos!

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